Saturday, November 23, 2019

Run Javascript when Spotfire Tab clicked

  • Create TextArea
  • edit html
  • Write a div whith display : none

<DIV id=hiddenActionControl style="DISPLAY: none"><SpotfireControl id="f09f0891f34e4d659d52deae1a41d488" /></DIV>

  • Inside the div create a button (link) and create some ironpython script to execute upon

  • Write a JS as below. This is basically controlling document property written in iron python script for link click.

$('#hiddenActionControl a').click()

  • So basically when tab clicked the link anchor button clicked via javascript code.

  • If you don't want the ironpython script, it's not compulsory.I write below code to change textarea colour on tab click.

var randomColorChange = '#'+(Math.random()*0xFFFFFF<<0).toString(16);
$('#changeMyColor').css('background-color', randomColorChange);

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