Saturday, November 23, 2019

Run Javascript when Spotfire Tab clicked

  • Create TextArea
  • edit html
  • Write a div whith display : none

<DIV id=hiddenActionControl style="DISPLAY: none"><SpotfireControl id="f09f0891f34e4d659d52deae1a41d488" /></DIV>

  • Inside the div create a button (link) and create some ironpython script to execute upon

  • Write a JS as below. This is basically controlling document property written in iron python script for link click.

$('#hiddenActionControl a').click()

  • So basically when tab clicked the link anchor button clicked via javascript code.

  • If you don't want the ironpython script, it's not compulsory.I write below code to change textarea colour on tab click.

var randomColorChange = '#'+(Math.random()*0xFFFFFF<<0).toString(16);
$('#changeMyColor').css('background-color', randomColorChange);

Spotfire Automation Job

  • Go to Tools>> Automation Job Builder
  • Keep adding the steps you needed. These will be steps or tasks
  • Once done save it as xml

  • Try running/testing by executing locally and on server

  • The files Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe and Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe.config are located in the same directory.
  • Change username and pwd in Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe.config so that exe should be use correct spotfire username and pwd 

  • Go to Windows schedule task on spotfire server and Create new task to schedule a job to be executed with the Spotfire Automation Services Client Job Sender, use Windows Task Scheduler
  • In Windows Task Scheduler, create a new task that executes the Client Job Sender, provide arguments to it as described in Configuring the Client Job Sender, and set it to run periodically as needed.
  • programme/script   G:\Spotfire\Automation_Services\Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe
  • Argument : "http://localhost" "G:\Spotfire\Automation_Services\automation.xml"
  • The status of running jobs and the jobs history is available in Spotfire Server, on the Automation
  • Services tab of the Monitoring & Diagnostics area. For more information, see the Spotfire Server help.

Spotfire Automation Job Not executing on Server

In version 7.5 and later, the "automationservices@SPOTFIRESYSTEM" account is responsible for executing jobs on the service instance. 
To resolve permission issue issue, follow the steps below.

- Login to Spotfire Analyst as a Spotfire administrator.

- Click on the TOOLS menu.

- Click on "Library Administration".

- Highlight the folder which contains the report that is failing.

- Click EDIT in the "Permissions for Selected Folder".

- Search the user "automationservices@SPOTFIRESYSTEM".

- Grant Browse+ Access + Modify permissions.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Spotfire Data On Demand

When all data is not required and user can wait to fetch on the fly based on some trigger., data on demand can be utilized.

It's the way for data loading for a data table

We need to set trigger due to which data will be reloaded.

Following actors can be trigger for load data

  • Property
  • Unique column values in another table
  • Marking filtering

Spotfire Over Function

You can use Over function in spotfire
Over means grouping in spotfire
You can use in
1) Calculated columns

  • Sum(Amount) : It give total sum in datatable
  • Sum(Amount) over region: It gives sum for each region so basically group by region        

2) In graph custom expression
        In graph if sum(amount) in in Y axis and in x axis is region then chart automatically gives group by for each x axis values(here region)
So over function gives best results with when x axis is having date field with hierarchy for year>>month etc.

  • Avg(Amount) Over All([Axis.X]) : It gives Total average for all nodes of x axis. So basically it draws a single avg line

  • Avg(Amount) Over Parent([Axis.X]) : It gives avg line for parent node of x axis. Say x asis is year>> month then this will be avg line for Year.

  • Avg(Amount) over AllPrevious(Axix.X) :  It gives cumulative sum

  • Avg(Amount)  over Lastperiods(3,Axis.X) : Moving average for last 3 month
  • Sum(Amount) - Sum(Amount) over previous([Axis.X] : Seeing how the current amount is doing over last month.

Spotfire BIN Column

Integer Column
  • Specific limits separated  by  ;
  • Equal Intervals
  • Even distribution of unique values : Set Number of bin
  • Standard deviation
  • Sub
  • Even distribution of unique values : Set Number of bin
  • string
String Column
  • Substring
  • Values
  • Even distribution of unique values : Set Number of bin