Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How to enable geocoding map tables in spotfire (version 6.5)

Locate Folder for Import/Export library item in spotfire:


create geoanalytics folder

Paste "geoanalytics.part0.zip" into this folder. (you can get this from spotfire server installation folder \\TIB_sfire_server_6.5.0_win)

Follow below steps:

To import the geocoding tables into the Library, do the following.

1). Start Spotfire and log in as a Spotfire Admin.

2). Select Tools > Library Administration.

3). Navigate to the Library folder where you want to import the demo files. For instance, you can create a folder called GeoAnalytics.

4). Select Import.

5). Click Browse and select the file geoanalytics.part0.zip.

6). Click OK.

7). Click OK.

Click Close when the dialog states Import Done.

Friday, November 4, 2016

How to create custom color scheme in spotfire

How to create custom color scheme in spotfire

How to change a chart color scheme to not revert back to spotfire's standard categorical color scheme

The solution is to define a custom color scheme and set that as the default categorical/continuous color scheme for the particular columns you will be setting via property control.

The only catch is that this will only work if the columns are all continuous or all categorical. Mixing them will not work.

  1. For each column you will be coloring by (all in the drop-down), save your colors as a 'Document Color Scheme
      a. Select column from the property control drop-down (for example 'MyFirstColumn').
      b. Change the "Color By" colors as desired (either via Legend or via visualization > Properties > Colors).
      c. Right click on your visualization > Properties > Colors > Click the 'Color Schemes' button (To the right of the 'One scale per' drop-down) > Save as > Document Color Scheme...
      d. Use a name like 'MyFirstColumn_Color'.
  2. Define this color scheme as the default for this column
      a. Go to Edit > Column Properties > Select the Data Column in question (for example 'MyFirstColumn').
      b. Go to the Properties tab > Edit the 'DefaultCategoricalColorScheme' or 'DefaultContinuousColorScheme' Property for that column (depending on whether your column is categorical or continuous).
      c. Add in the value that matches the Document Color Scheme you saved earlier (for example, 'MyFirstColumn_Color').
      d. Click OK (twice) to save all changes.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Single select list filter without none and All in spotfire

1) Create TextArea
2) Right click and "Edit TextArea"
3) Create single select list property as below as named "singleselctList"
4) Go to chart. Right click. click on properties. Go to "Data" Section. Go to Limit Data using expressions and add below.

[category] = DocumentProperty("singleselectList")

where category is a column to be filtered and singleselectList is name of list as in step 3

How to make multi-select list and use as filter in spotfire

1) Create textarea
2) Create Multiple select list as below with name vList 
3) Right click in properties for chart. Go to data properties. Go in Limit data Using expression.

([category]=$map("'${vList}'", " OR [category]=")

where category is column to be filtered. vList is name of Multiple-Select List property in step 2

Gauges in Spotfire

1) Add TextArea
2) Edit HTML
3) Add property (calculated column)

For example.
<SpotfireControl id="0e9f0a8148354db49fe6b71ad3545ccd" />

3) Add below code snippet

padding: 5px;
border:2px solid gray;
<div  id="gauge" style="width: 200px; height: 120px;"></div>
<span id="calcValue">
<SpotfireControl id="0e9f0a8148354db49fe6b71ad3545ccd" />

4) Add js as below

//define your javascript libraries

//add scripts to head

//start your widget
  var g = new JustGage({
    id: "gauge", 
    value:  parseInt($("#0e9f0a8148354db49fe6b71ad3545ccd").text()), 
    min: 0,
    max: 5646,
    title: "Visitors"
  //refresh gauge when calcvalue changes

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Spotfire Shortcut keys

 Mark filtered rows
 Copy the marked records to the clipboard as text
 Create Duplicate Active page
 Unmark the set of marked records
 Find the entered text in the entire file
 Inverts the set of marked records
 New Page
 Open an existing file or a file to import
 Launch the Print Layout Options tool
 Reset all filters
 Save the current analysis file
 Create a new text area
 Duplicate visualization
 Paste the clipboard contents into Spotfire
 Close the current analysis file
  New table 
  New cross table
  New bar chart
  New line chart
  New combination chart 
  New pie chart
  New scatter plot
  New 3D scatter plot
  New map chart
  New graphical table
  New tree map
  New heat map
  New parallel Coordinate plot
  New summary table
  New box plot
 Close the active visualization
 Delete Marked rows
 Exit Tool
 Open online help

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Spotfire HTML formatting (Horizontal) for filters in textarea

    <td valign="top"><p align="left">(Write heading 1 here)</p></td>
    <td valign="top"><p align="left">(Write heading 2 here)</p></td>
    <td> (Add filter control 1 here)</td>
   <td> (Add filter control 2 here)</td>

Few suggestions:
Repeat section in  <td></td> (orange marked) for more filters
Change valign = middle / bottom as required.
Write <table bgcolor=”red”> to give red color to canvas

More advance is there and you can build very nice webpage  with css and jquey.

Spotfire HTML formatting (Vertical) for filters in textarea

<td valign="top"><p align="left">(Write heading 1 here)</p></td>
<td> (Add filter control 1 here)</td>


Few suggestions:
Repeat Yellow marked part for more filters
Change valign = middle / bottom as required.
Write <table bgcolor=”red”> to give red color to canvas

Toggle the filter panel show\hide

if (Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel.Visible == False):
   Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel.Visible = True
   Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel.Visible = False

Toggle the details-on-demand panel on\off

if (Document.ActivePageReference.DetailsOnDemandPanel.Visible == False):
   Document.ActivePageReference.DetailsOnDemandPanel.Visible = True
   Document.ActivePageReference.DetailsOnDemandPanel.Visible = False

Reset Filters in spotfire using IronPython

# Reset Filters in spotfire using IronPython
for scheme in Document.FilteringSchemes:

Reset All Marking in spotfire using ironpython

# Import required libraries
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import *

# Loop through each data table
for dataTable in Document.Data.Tables:
 for marking in Document.Data.Markings:
  rows = RowSelection(IndexSet(dataTable.RowCount, False))
  marking.SetSelection(rows, dataTable)

Change default value for Listbox in spotifre

Document.Properties['test'] = 'papa'